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Did you know that RK Law is a preferred supplier for Legal Aid Queensland on the Sunshine Coast? This means we can help you from the initial Legal Aid Application right through until the conclusion of your matter.

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We’re lawyers who get results

  • Will a defence lawyer help me if I’m guilty?

    If you are guilty of a crime a defence lawyer can still provide considerable help. They can help you:  Determine your defence options and whether a plea of ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty’ is appropriate for your case. By defending you in court to ensure the facts of what happened are accurately represented

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  • Three cases where innocent clients were wrongfully accused

    In our line of work, we help people in many different circumstances. Sometimes they are guilty, and sometimes they are innocent. Our job is to represent them the best we can either way. Some of our most interesting cases have been when someone is wrongfully charged with a crime and it is

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  • Do the police always get it right?

    Most people would agree that police have a difficult and often dangerous job. They are under a lot of pressure when responding to crimes. Often the police, and the other executive branches who lay charges, will get it right. But there are times that the police get it wrong. In most cases,

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  • Legal Aid Provider on the Sunshine Coast

    RK Law is a preferred supplier for Legal Aid Queensland on the Sunshine Coast. We are passionate about defending clients from every walk of life and Legal Aid gives us the opportunity to do that for those that can’t afford legal help. The support of Legal Aid Queensland means that RK Law

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  • Does “Innocent Until Proven Guilty” Apply in Queensland?

    “Innocent until proven guilty” is a statement you may have heard in movies and wondered if this principle applies in real legal situations. The answer is emphatically ‘yes’. However, there are layered questions in this concept, such as the rights you are entitled to, whether your defence lawyer has to believe you’re

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  • How Do Defence Lawyers Sleep at Night?

    My name is Rowan King, and I am a defence lawyer. I am often called upon to help people who are involved in criminal law matters. Many people question how I can morally or ethically do my job and I think this is important to address. As this article will show, thinking

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  • Top 3 Criminal Lawyers on the Sunshine Coast

    Experts have recommended RK Law as one of the top three criminal lawyers on the Sunshine Coast. Being named one of the ‘top three’ involves a rigorous 50-point inspection, including reviews, ratings, reputation, history, complaints, satisfaction, costs and trust.  Who is RK Law? RK Law is a full-service law firm in Caloundra,

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  • Best Domestic Violence Lawyers in QLD

    In 2022, QLD Law Society (QLS) named the top Domestic Violence Advocates of the year in Queensland. In a state of 1400 lawyers, RK Law’s principal Lawyer Rowan King was named amongst the top eight eligible for the Dame Quentin Bryce Domestic Violence Prevention Advocate Award.  QLS is a peak professional body

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  • What is Domestic Violence?

    At times victims can be unaware that they are experiencing domestic violence (DV) because it comes in a variety of forms. However, there are other situations where someone may think they are experiencing DV but may not legally fall into this category. To help yourself, your loved ones and your community it

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  • RK Law opens in Caloundra

    RK Law was excited to announce the opening of our brand new office in Caloundra, Sunshine Coast in December 2021. While retaining a strong connection to Rockhampton, now a satellite office, RK Law anticipates the new southern location will provide a broadened scope to help throughout QLD and Australia. However, our continued

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  • DV Case Dismissed – Holland Park

    Domestic Violence (DV) is a serious issue in our community and something that we are passionate about at RK Law. Unfortunately, there are rare occasions where people make applications for Domestic Violence Protection Orders for the wrong reasons. The good news is RK Law has extensive experience in defending these vexatious applications.

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  • RK Law – defending your future anywhere in Queensland

    At RK Law, we are fortunate enough to represent clients all over Queensland and Australia. We are more than willing to travel where you need us to ensure you are properly represented. In the last 18 months, we have appeared in various interstate locations on behalf of our clients such as Perth,

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  • Truck driver receives bail with RK Law

    In a recent court case, principal lawyer Rowan King defended a truck driver after a fatal accident. The incident occurred while our client was driving a truck near Stanwell, west of Rockhampton. The truck crashed into the rear of an ambulance that was stationary at a temporary traffic light set-up for roadworks.  

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  • RK Law in the news, September 2020

    At times RK Law takes on some of the most controversial and high profile cases in Queensland. Our work regularly gets featured in the news as we fight for just and fair outcomes for our clients. Here are two of the RK Law cases that featured in the Morning Bulletin in September

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  • Exciting growth for RK Law

    RK Law has recently expanded our team, so we have outgrown our current office space. Our exciting news is this: we are moving up in the world and moving our head office even closer to the Rockhampton Magistrates’ Court. From Monday 7 September 2020, the new-look RK Law will be located at

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  • AHPRA Charges Dropped

    Last week RK Law was proud to defend a claim made by AHPRA against an experienced nurse.  When the complaint was received, the outlook appeared grim for our client. Several statutory declarations from key management staff in the organisation supported the allegations. AHPRA’s accusation looked to revoke our client’s nursing registration. A

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  • Betty Murison – Two years at RK Law

    Today we are thankful for the hard work and dedication of our super-star Paralegal and my P.A. – Betty Murison. The best of Betty In my experience in the workforce, it is rare to come across a truly indispensable member of staff. The recruitment of Betty to RK Law, in my view,

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  • RK Law in the news, May 2020

    In a recent case, an RK Law client received bail when defended by principal lawyer Rowan King.  Defence lawyer Rowan said his client served five years of the prison term after being found guilty by a jury. Mr King also said Donoghue had been in a relationship with the victim of this

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