Do I need a Conveyancer?

Finding the perfect property is challenging enough, as is dealing with the ins and outs of selling your home. After all, this may be the biggest transaction of your life.

“Do I even need a conveyancer?”

In short… yes… let me tell you why.

Many people are prepared to do their own conveyancing. However, if a person doing their own conveyancing misunderstands a document, a clause in the contract, or a search result, this misunderstanding could end in expensive and unnecessary mistakes needing to be fixed.

What if there is unpaid debt over property?

What if you find out that the property is not being sold by the legal owner?

What if a caveat is lodged?

What if the property is subject to an encumbrance?

When purchasing a home, did you know that once a property is exchanged, any debt which remains over the property will transfer to the new owner unless properly discharged?

When selling your home, a conveyancer can make sure that the sale is done and dusted without complications. Having a property settlement completed, only to find out that the process was done incorrectly, can be a very expensive and strenuous mistake to fix.

A conveyancer can look through the reams of paperwork and determine that the property being sold is safe, up to code, free from any unknown debts, and exchanged without you needing to do anything more than sign along the dotted line.

In this day and age of online advancements, the way in which properties are exchanged has also advanced. PEXA is the new normal method of exchanging properties in Australia and can be difficult to get your head around.

At RK Law, you have consistent and full access to a fully qualified Lawyer to answer any questions you may have and prepare your matter for settlement, this is not something every ‘Conveyancer’ can offer. We want to help walk you through this exciting but stressful process.

Sometimes, it just pays to pay the professionals.

If you are looking to buy or sell, make RK Law your number 1 choice for conveyancing. Call our office today!


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